Left to right;
The City of Berlin;
20,000 Mark City of Berlin Bond
A Bohemian Glassmaker
Glass Beads
An Aztec Ceramicist
Ceramic Glyph, Ceramic Disc

The Metropol Drama Broadsheets
Framing essay (PDF download)

Left to right;
A Babylonian Metalsmith
Coil Money
the City of Berlin
20,000 Mark City of Berlin Bond

Left to right;
An Aztec Ceramicist
Ceramic Glyph, Ceramic Disc
Aleksandr Rodchenko
Pryzhok s shestom (Pole Vault)

A Bohemian Glassmaker
Glass Beads, 14th century,
Glass beads with contemporary hardware

Left to right;
August Sander;
The Dadaist Raoul Hausmann, Posing
Chen Xiaoyun;
A Safavid Painter;
Two Women and Two Men Reading in the Countryside
Jacques Callot;
Le Mendiant aux béquilles et á la besace
(A Beggar on Crutches with a Beggar's Bag)
A Mesopotamian Scribe;
Transaction Recording
August Sander,
The Dadaist Raoul Hausmann, Sitting

Left to right;
August Sander;
The Dadaist Raoul Hausmann, Posing
Jacques Callot
Le Vieux mendiant á une seule béquille
(An Old Beggar on a Single Crutch)
A Mesopotamian Scribe
Transaction Recording
John Miller
The Tip of the Iceberg
Charles Joseph Traviés de Villers
Je suis francais! ... moi (I am French! ... I Am...)
Jacques Callot;
Le Vieux mendiant á une seule béquille
(An Old Beggar on a Single Crutch)

Clockwise from top Left:
An Unknown Photographer In Chicago,
Untitled [Chicago Board of Trade]
Pablo Picasso
The Glass
An Unknown Photographer Working For The Associated Press
Untitled [Chicago Board of Trade]

Left to right;
Jacques Callot
: La Mendiante aux béquilles
(A Female Beggar on Crutches)
August Sander
The Dadaist Raoul Hausmann, Posing
Chen Xiaoyun
A Safavid Painter
Two Women and Two Men Reading in the Countryside
Jacques Callot
Le Mendiant aux béquilles et á la besace
(A Beggar on Crutches with a Beggar's Bag)

The Metropol Drama Broadsheets
Object treatments (PDF download)

A Mesopotamian Scribe
Early Dynastic period, circa 2600 BCE Iraq, possibly from Isin,
Transaction Recording, Limestone